


Lighting handbook

 to ensure the success of architects and interior designers




Although there are many elements that influence the results obtained in an interior design or architecture project, light is one of those that completely conditions the sensations that a space transmits.

From Faro Barcelona we have gathered in this manual everything you need to know about lighting so that you can use it in your projects with guaranteed success. 


In this handbook, you will find:

  • A review of the basic concepts of lighting.
  • The types of lighting for each activity and area.
  • How to light up according to the activity and space to be carried out in the space to be illuminated: homes, restaurants, offices...
  • How to correctly place the luminaires according to the dimensions and characteristics of each space. 
  • How to achieve greater energy efficiency through luminaire control and dimming.


Download the guide now and ensure the success of your projects!

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Although there are many elements that influence the results obtained in an interior design or architecture project, light is one of those that completely conditions the sensations that a space transmits.

From Faro Barcelona we have gathered in this manual everything you need to know about lighting so that you can use it in your projects with guaranteed success. 


In this handbook, you will find:

  • A review of the basic concepts of lighting.
  • The types of lighting for each activity and area.
  • How to light up according to the activity and space to be carried out in the space to be illuminated: homes, restaurants, offices...
  • How to correctly place the luminaires according to the dimensions and characteristics of each space. 
  • How to achieve greater energy efficiency through luminaire control and dimming.


Download the guide now and ensure the success of your projects!

A handbook written by and for professionals:

Untitled design (27)

Jose Ivan Meana Perez

Projects Director in Faro Barcelona